The Nut Job Live & Friends! is a completely original live entertainment spectacular where the global animation film sensation ‘The Nut Job’ meets the creators of ‘Cirque du Soleil’. This musical comedy brings to life the same beloved characters of The Nut Job and The Nut Job 2 on stage! With a brand new story and characters, live dancing, singing, acrobatics, magic, original songs, 3D animations, puppetry, comedy and more, The Nut Job Live & Friends! is sure to thrill audiences of all ages.

Shortly after a circus arrives at the beloved Liberty Park, Precious’s pups go missing! Surly Squirrel investigates and discovers a sinister secret about the ringmaster of the circus. Surly must band together with his furry friends to save the pups and save the park! Set after the events of The Nut Job 2, The Nut Job Live & Friends! will feature amazing acrobatic, circus performances, magic elements, interactive videos, captivating dance numbers, and live original music!


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